Roadmap progress - 97%
We prefer not to commit to a specific launch date for the mainnet. Instead, our strategy is to keep our community informed through regular updates and provide an estimated progress percentage. As of March 5th, we are at 97% completion
° Building the game RP
° Building the economic modele
° PVE coding and smart contracts
° First round of smart contracts audits/security
° Closed Testnet for the team
° NFT's designs and smart contracts
° Fixing issues + second round of smart contracts audits/security
° PVP coding and smart contracts (When done, it will start the public Testnet stage)
° Private Testnet open to few community members + another round of security Testing + fixing bugs people could find
° End-Game Smart Contrat + fixing previous testnet bugs
We are here --> Public testnet, testing the economic modele + Front-end Optimization
And here -->° Marketing + NFTs mint whitelist + Marketplace
° Game goes live (mainnet) - Some gaming assets and mechanism kept as a last minute surprise will be announced + Mint
° Grand opening
Last updated