The Brothel
Every men needs some good company
Brothel Overview
In Brief:
Total Availability: 250 units available for minting.
Functionality: Works with a character assigned as a Whoremonger to produce stat bonuses for treasure hunts.
Resource Requirement: Requires Bottles of Rum for operations (10 Bottles of Rum = 1 use).
Bonus Acquisition: Go to The Seas -> Visit Brothels (use your own brothel or others') to receive bonuses.
Bonus Duration: Bonuses are effective for 20 hunts.
Whoremonger Experience: The Whoremonger gains EXP with each use of the brothel.
Whoremonger Lifecycle: Expires after a set number of uses.
Usage Fee: Owners can set a premium for others to use their Brothel.
Brothel Accessibility: Owners can toggle between public or private access via Town -> Brothel.
Owner Rewards: Owners are compensated each time their Brothel is used.
Potential Risk: Bonuses can potentially lead to receiving a debuff called "gonorrhoea."
Detailed Guide:
Operational Mechanics:
Character Requirement: A character must be staked in the Brothel to become a Whoremonger.
Bonuses and Debuffs:
Stat Bonuses: When a character visits the Brothel, they receive a stat bonus applicable for 20 hunts. Bonuses are based on the Whoremonger’s EXP, adding a strategic layer to bonus management.
Debuff Risk: Visiting the Brothel may result in contracting "gonorrhoea," which nullifies any recently obtained bonus and applies additional negative effects.
Leveling Up Whoremonger:
Experience Gains: Each brothel use provides EXP to the Whoremonger based on the rarity of the bonus requested: +4XP for common, +24XP for rare, or +72XP for legendary.
Max Level and Retirement: Upon reaching the maximum level of 100, the Whoremonger can provide 100 more bonuses before expiring. A new character will then be required to continue operations.
Financial Aspects:
Fees: Similar to the Forge, obtaining bonuses from the Brothel incurs a fee in rETH. The distribution is 80% to the building owner and 20% to the protocol.
Premium Fee: Owners can charge an additional amount in FLAG for using their Brothel, influencing the economic interactions within the game.
Management Settings:
Public/Private Mode: Owners can decide whether to make their Brothel publicly accessible to all players or private for their exclusive use.
Note: The Brothel adds a unique element of risk and reward to the game, influencing player strategies and interactions. The feature is designed to provide a dynamic and engaging player experience, with adjustments possible to ensure balanced and enjoyable gameplay.
Last updated